I've decided to move home. While the business of moving house in real life is something I have come to dread (we're at house #7 in 5 years), the move to a new bloghome has me feeling excited and enthused about blogging again.
Sweetp-knits will stay up for the forseeable future. I may eventually take it down and move the patterns to Ravelry but for now I'll just leave it.
2010 has been a horrible and stress filled year. I've been feeling down, uninspired, and uncreative for most of it. What hobbies I have indulged in, have often just lead to more stress.
2011 is going to be a much better year. Full of good health, happiness and creativeness. This new home will record some of that journey to a better place. Not just knitting, but whatever strikes my fancy. Just like the background picture I'm imagining the blog will be a little bit of everything. (Sweets for Sweetp)
A slice of life in Aotearoa from me - a mother, a knitter, a writer, a reader and more.
If you're not from New Zealand maybe you are wondering about the title: Mahi-and-Aroha. Mahi and Aroha are both words in Te Reo, or Maori language. Most simply...
Mahi - work
Aroha - love, compassion, affection
Mahi aroha is also the term for volunteering, or the work we do for love. It implies a sense of community. Mahi and Aroha seemed to me to capture the life of a mother rather well. It's incredibly rewarding, but sometimes it's just plain hard work. Google also tells me that mahi-mahi in Hawaii means strong. It fits nicely I think.
So, welcome. Join me in a spot of sunshine for a cup of coffee x